Discounts from
all stores in one app
Discover amazing deals and save on everyday
shopping with PromoTomato. It's simple and free.
Discounts from
all stores in one app
Discover amazing deals and save on everyday
shopping with PromoTomato. It's simple and free.
Goodbye paper leaflets and tedious searching
We collected all the fresh discounts.
Always find what you need and compare prices in just one app.
Why choose PromoTomato?
PromoTomato is an app that makes your everyday shopping economical and easy.
Save money
Find the best discounts on your
favorite products.
Save time
Find all discounts from different stores
in one app and compare deals.
No more leaflets
Forget about browsing through endless leaflets. Save the trees.
Effortless grocery shopping
Save deals to your personal shopping list, add your own items and share the list with your family. At the store cross out the items you collected to track your purchases. Simple as that!
Effortless grocery shopping
Save deals to your personal shopping list, add your own items and share the list with your family. At the store cross out the items you collected to track your purchases. Simple as that!
PromoTomato is simple and efficient
Search items by your favourite stores and catergories and find the best deals.
Check when they expire and never miss a good offer.

Contact us

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Start using PromoTomato for free
Download PromoTomato today to have all discounts in your pocket.
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